Malware attacks and online scams are plaguing the internet, and our personal information and privacy are in continuous risk of being breached. The increased possibilities that the internet offers, such as the centralisation of accounts using a single email address, Facebook logins, or the advancement of high technology smartphones, pose higher risks on identity, credit card, photo, and data theft. 
Exposure to these dangers can be reduced to a minimum by taking extra steps into securing your online browsing. To avoid system compromise, protect your data and your devices by following the tips below: 

1. Password protect 

Simple - yes, well followed – not enough! Passwords such as “12345” or “incorrect” are a definite no-no for your accounts. Make sure you start getting more secure by using complex passwords that are not easy to guess.  
Long combinations of different characters are highly advised. Use a mixture of capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts as well. Ending passwords with ‘1’ is also a big ‘no-no’.  
It can be difficult to remember passwords, although you could use a password keeper for this task, just make sure that the master password for the password keeper is really complex and difficult to guess! 

2. Use a VPN 

In a time of phishing attacks and information leakage, using a virtual private network (VPN) is handy for a more private and safe browsing experience.  
VPNs add another security layer when browsing public sites, or when connecting to public networks. A VPN should ALWAYS be used when connecting to a public wifi network such as in coffee shops, airports, or shopping centres. 

3. Install security software 

Different safety programs are widely available and downloadable via the web. Some are free, but cost shouldn’t stop you from making sure you're protected from unauthorised access attempts on your mobile phone or your computer. Having advanced malware protection and prevention software should become a priority as part of your business's budget. 
According to, 58% of malware attack victims are categorised as small businesses. It’s also important to note that 92.4% of all malware is delivered via attachments or fake links contained within emails. 
Anti-spyware software, which is often - but not always - included in anti-malware packages, stops unwanted and unauthorised programs from gaining access to your internet and computer data without your knowledge. 

4. Log out 

A good habit to get into is logging out. Very simple, yes, but most people still don’t do it - instead, they simply hit the close button. This leaves your data vulnerable to being accessed.  
If you’re shopping with your phone, make sure you don’t leave credit card trails. Storing data in one piece of technology might be convenient, but the damage from lost funds is often severe, and banks don’t always automatically refund the money. 
To make sure you have all of your information stored safely, invest in cloud and physical storage. To get breached is one thing, but to have all your data stolen and/or deleted is another. Just like protecting one’s home, it’s a necessity to secure your digital house, especially in our ever-changing online world. 
If you're looking for a secure business website that will offer customers a safe and user-friendly browsing experience, we can help. Our website packages come with several security features as standard, and each website we create is built in line with GDPR. Contact us to find out more. 
Tagged as: website security
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